Sunday, May 2, 2010

She's right!

It was a frantic morning. I was trying to get the house cleaned up for our open house showing today and found myself running out of time. Liz was at work this morning, so it was ten min till noon, and I was doing a last minute vaccuum of the rug to pick up dog hair and someone pulled up into my driveway! I was out of the house five minutes later as my realtor was pulling in. I don't know where the car that pulled up went.

After all that panic, we had not one person come to look at the house. Feedback from our last showing was that the other bedrooms looked to be too small for their kids furniture. These kids must have some nice furniture :/ 20 days on the market and not much feedback from several showings. We are debating on lowering the price.

I did get to run outside today without pushing the stroller and pulling the dog at the same time. I had recently read another blog called Ironmom, and she was talking about running in the rain. Turns out she really enjoyed her wet run. I got a nice light sprinkle as well as some crazy wind with some very cool cloudscapes.

Last time I was in the rain, I was in Colorado at night , putting up a tent. That was extreme anti-fun! This run however was so refreshing. I forget how wonderful things can smell and the steamy fog is always cool.