My 10 year old car is in the garage today. Suddenly started overheating. My friend suggested that I have the radiator flushed going on the logic that one, I can't remember when was the last time that was done, and two that the hot temps here are making the need to have it flushed evident. I certainly hope this is the case. A google search brought me all sorts of gloomy stories about overheating in Celica's that just doesn't go away.
The funny thing ..if I had researched the car before I bought it, I prolly wouldn't have bought it, for fear of the gear shifter messing up. The car has been great to me though. Sometimes, the internet is not a good resource. A better example is when you look up a weird pain in your body online and you come to the insane conclusion that you have scabies.
Got to sample some downtown rush hour traffic today. Vegas continues to present some of the dumbest intersection designs I have seen. The traffic wasn't too bad though. A good thing is on some merge ramps to the freeway, they have stop lights in each lane, making one car stop so the other one can go, essentially spacing out cars that are merging. DC could use these.
And finally, a picture just sitting around. The story goes something like, no I said I wanted 3 stars not a 3 of stars on my face!
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