Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Rock Casino

This weekend we went to Red Rock Casino. It's not downtown in the strip, but out on the west end of town. It's a big hotel, slash Casino, slash everything else. We have one close to us in the north called Aliante Station which is a bit smaller. It still has an IMAX 3D theatre though which I will visit on December 17th. We came here for Asa to go to a birthday party at a place called Kid's Quest. No adults are allowed in this place. It's basically a place to drop your kids off while you gamble. It's open till 1am!

So we had a couple of hours to burn. What to do? Well we tried some slot machines. Here's a pic of the inside of the Casino.

It looks just like Aliante on the inside. Liz tells me it looks just like the Casinos on the strip too. So after taking 10 minutes to figure out how to play, and then playing a mere 20 dollars on slots, Liz said she could see the appeal, but I was left thinking I'd have a lot more fun playing Tetris and eating pizza.

I wandered into the bowling alley they had there called Red Rock Lanes. The lighting in this place was a white balance nightmare. Not that I cared, but wow. To me, bowling alleys were better as dark pits. All the color, lasers, and tvs just makes it seem silly to me. Even the balls have these logos on them of skulls, crushing, and venom? To me it's like taking an econo box and putting a spoiler on it. That translates as tacky!

This is the locker room, but it reminded me of a Japanese hotel slash 2001 set piece.

All in all it was a good day and Asa had a great time at her birthday party. She didn't paint her face though. I kinda thought she'd go for that. Funny side bit, I had two people try to make conversation with me about college football here. What's up with that?!! What is it about me that says I am into some college ball.


  1. Next time someone brings up college football, all you have to say is that you're from Florida and things just aren't the same since Tebow left :)
