I'll be flying into Pensacola next Tuesday for a week. It's been about two years since I've flown. Dang it man, I still have some flying paranoia in me it seems! I remember sitting in the back of the plane flying to DC one time and the engine made this noise just like in the movie Cast Away. I was a little freaked out by that.
Today while eating thick cut, seriously good, seriously juicy bacon, the thought hit me. Maybe I should carry a juicy piece of bacon with me wherever I go. Make a slim little case or heavy duty ziplock type of container just big enough for say a two inch piece of bacon. That way, in the face of possible disaster such as a plane crash, maybe I'll have a few seconds to put bacon in my mouth and think "ooooh bacon!" If I had a couple of seconds, I could even share it with someone. Everyone likes bacon right? (shielding myself from vegan arrows of death). You know it would have some fun marketing. Why meet 2012's doom on an empty stomach? Experience it with bacon!
Here's a picture of Penscola beach, actually Fort Pickins that my friend took. He made it look hipstamatic back in the day even. I haven't been out that far since Hurricane Ivan. It probably looks much different now. Even though it's Ft. Pickens, I still think of this area when I think of Pensacola. Then I think of Jena Malone.
Ft. Pickins is a pretty spot. And yes, everything's better with Bacon.