Wednesday, April 6, 2011

China is dense

I am not smarter than a 5th grader. Haven't been for a long time. So for some people, it's no surprise, but now that I think about it... it makes my eyes go wide while I kinda stare off into space thinking about it.

There are about 8 million people in New York. It's the most populated city in the US with L.A. next, then Chicago, Houston, and Philidelphia. Still haven't been to the biggest two yet. The US population is around 311,114,000. And I think we only account for like 5% of the world population.

China's land mass is roughly equal to the US in size and yet they have 4.3 times more people at 1,341,000,000. When I think about how that's going to effect the world economy in 20 years my mind explodes!

Anyway, reading Lost on Planet China is giving me all sorts of things to ponder. I recall watching a documentary called Manufactured Landscapes. As a lover of photographs that have textured patterns, this movie was amazing with its scale. Also the message is a powerful one. I think of Mr. Anderson uttering in disgust about how the human race is like a virus.

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