Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Buzzy Sluggy

Busted out my last Veegus miles this morning round 6am. I feel kinda buzzed after running in the am, though during I feel really tired. I'll prolly have to continue my runs in the am for a while, so we'll see how that whole buzzy thing develops.

I came real close to opening a can of stupid white man rage on the refrigerator today. I'm just trying to clean the dang thing!!

Anyway, just getting in a quick post before the phone modem gets reclaimed. Must eat bad food, must clean, must pack, must sleep!!!

Good bye Veeeegus!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

T minus 10 seconds

Out the door by 5:47am today. After a decent workout, I went to evil Walmart. Then I went to Dee's Donuts since a friend recommended it. Not the best donuts ever, but certainly premium. More bad food today. I don't even care right now.

More cleaning of course. Gunna be more tomorrow. Will lose my internet sometime tomorrow night. Almost outta dis place.

I've been thinking about the ultramarathon runners at Badwater running today. As I type this, some of them have been running for 37 hours. Some of them way older than me! It's a fascinating item to wrap my brain around.

Monday, July 11, 2011


5 days in a row of high calorie super bad dinners!! Ughhhh So good, and so baaaaaaad. We ate at Great Links tonight. I had a Philly dog with grilled green peppers, melted cheese and onions. It was ok. The Las Vegas chilli dog was very good though. I'll post pictures when I get a chance. Also had grill master fries which is thousand island, grilled onions, buncha melted cheedar, and some spices mixed all on the fries. They were ok, prolly not worth the cals.

Later I went to the market and got bananas and oranges. Gotta eat something healthy.

There was a fire in the mountains today. It looked big, but the news said it wasn't that large and was contained. Curious as to how it started. That would've freaked me out had I been up there.

Ughhhhh didn't run today. Decided to let my leg rest. I should just stop until I get to FL, but I don't think that will happen.

Anyway, this post is lame so I'll wrap it up. I'm just ready to get this show on the road.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is this...sunrise?

I actually got up today at 5:30am and was out the door for an hour run by 6am. When was the last time I was up that early for exercising? Does golf count? And yet my left quad (the other one) is acting all offended that I decided to exercise.

Funny to see all the Sunday cyclists zipping around at the interesections. I even saw a lone runner trucking along the powerlines in the desert. He looked to be really moving too whereas I felt incredibly slow. It was a high effort/low return kinda day. It was a nice change of pace though.

I tried on the New Balance minimus trail shoes again at the BX. They even had a muted grey color I've never seen before. But after much putting on and taking off and scratching my head, I decided that they still didn't feel very good. The toe box is too big for me, and the strap that goes over the forefoot is just too strange feeling. For kicks I tried on NB MR890s too. No love for those either.

Anyway, I'm going to get up again tomorrow maybe at 5am this time. Once that sun gets up, it gets hot fast.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Empty House

The movers came yesterday and loaded up all the boxes. Took two of them about 7 hours to load up the truck. The whole thing was so much less stressful than last year. The beauty of renting most likely.

I never know what to tip movers. There's no set rate like other tipping. I always give them water and sports drink, but I think next time I'll put out more healthy carb stuff, like energy bars and fruit. I gave them what fruit I had, and they munched it down. But yeah after seeing them sweat their butts off, I always tip them what I feel is pretty big. Especially when it's the driver taking your stuff across the country. With the packers and loaders it was 190 bucks in tips. Sounds like a wild night I had back in...oh never mind.

The driver said the worst state to drive in is New York and New Jersey. Then he recalled some scary ghettos he drove through in DC. He also told me about a truck he saw drive off a cliff. I love those crazy trucker stories!

Later that night, we went over to a friend's house for dinner. I ended up swimming in the pool with my daughter while it was raining because she HAD to go in the pool. It was a bit chilly to say the least.

Myrna is Filipino though, so I unleashed the beast and ate 6 trillion tons of food; egg rolls, pancit, chicken adobo, fried rice, lechon, filipino mac&cheese? haha, mojitos, velvet cake, watermelon, mango cake, some sort of corn cream dip, a pineapple salad, and corn chips!! And I got to meet my first ever person named Ghengis.

I haven't run in 4 days though. Seems like a long time. I'm getting new shoe fever again. It's making me crazy.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Packing Day

Waiting at the vet this morning to have my dogs boarded for a couple of days while the movers get it on - girl behind counter says Finley?!! We've had three dogs named Finley in the past couple of days. She says that's strange since it's an unusual name. I think Dory is jealous.

Packers are happy that our garage is not a blastimus of utter disaster.

All the packing tape being used in the house has a weird burning smell to it.

Smelling the smoke from the packers smoke breaks outside. It smells good and reminds me of last year.

I sit in my car with the windows down, sweating, hot wind coming through the window eating a slice of pizza from the convenience store. Mmmmmm peeeeettttssahhhh.

6 hrs later the packers are done packing, off to do another job they say.

A good bit of cleaning follows.

The family goes to see Kung Fu Panda 2. I am pleased with the Po squared!!

I find myself in Joann's Fabrics sternly telling my child that the water fountain is not a place to wash her head.

The caloric evils of Olive Garden have descended upon my digestive system. The tour of Italy is consumed quickly.

I despise my ipad. It locks up way too much when sending email. It's hit or miss with flash, and typing on it reminds me of using windows.

To think I almost could have been driving to Alaska next week. Whoah!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Seven Five

Packing Packing Packing. Still got more to do. Only a couple more days and my primary computer will be gone for a lonnnng time. Sniff!

Rode around the desert on my bike today for just a little bit. Might be the last time. Sad to see how trashy people are in the desert. Just loads of fireworks, especially the big box ones just laying around all over the place, along with beer bottles, and some new tossed out tvs. Humans are trashy.

The fireworks activity was much more than last year when we arrived. Several close neighbors had lots of big fireworks booming all around. All the neighborhoods here are fenced with not fence but brick walls. Walking around outside, hearing all the reverb was kinda crazy. It's not the fireshow that Omaha was though.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th

I finally got around to visiting Great Links Grille last week. This is the Chicago dog with the peppers and a New York dog with the kraut. Each dog is 7.5 inches long and is 1/6 of a pound. I did not expect the tater tots to be so much either, I downed ALL of that though and still had room for ice cream after. It was so good!!! I swear I was on some sorta hot dog high afterwards. I don't think I've eaten a hot dog in roughly a year. I may have to go back before we leave because the hamburgers here looked equally scrumjuicimus!

Hope everyone is having/had a good 4th of July though. Time to take a break, enjoy some family, and be grateful for the ole US of A.

I'll probably post a recap of my trek up the mountain, including the weird ordeals of pain and discomfort I had in the following days. Today I feel fine however and will hopefully get out on the bike for a bit. It's time to get the house in order though, so that's top priority.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mission Accomplished!!

I made it to the top of Mt. Charleston!