Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is this...sunrise?

I actually got up today at 5:30am and was out the door for an hour run by 6am. When was the last time I was up that early for exercising? Does golf count? And yet my left quad (the other one) is acting all offended that I decided to exercise.

Funny to see all the Sunday cyclists zipping around at the interesections. I even saw a lone runner trucking along the powerlines in the desert. He looked to be really moving too whereas I felt incredibly slow. It was a high effort/low return kinda day. It was a nice change of pace though.

I tried on the New Balance minimus trail shoes again at the BX. They even had a muted grey color I've never seen before. But after much putting on and taking off and scratching my head, I decided that they still didn't feel very good. The toe box is too big for me, and the strap that goes over the forefoot is just too strange feeling. For kicks I tried on NB MR890s too. No love for those either.

Anyway, I'm going to get up again tomorrow maybe at 5am this time. Once that sun gets up, it gets hot fast.

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