I dropped Rapunzel off to school and headed to Lowes. I went to the Sunbelt tool rental office wearing a large green winter vest and hat to hide my rats nest. You have to respect the vest no? All puffed up and olive drab, says I need my arms free to do some serious arm stuff. I need a tool to grind on some concrete I tell two puffy jacket guys working there. After some chewing and discussion, the two men working begin my contract. They both have diamond studs in their ears. One has it in the left ear, the other in the right. I found it to be an odd contrast.
Grinding concrete is manly work indeed. Sparks, smoke, tons of dust, an element of serious bodily harm if you don't pay attention, and heavy. Next cutting PVC with a dremel releases a smell that is foul and hopefully will not cause some caustic random tissue damage to my lungs. And lastly, mixing and pouring of concrete.
My dogs brought me a fairly big rat today. I think they wanted me to bbq it since they left it by the grill. At least they thoroughly deaded him.
Halloween is over for another year. I got to see my Rapunzel fall on her face on the grass luckily. Candy flying everywhere in the dark it did. There was plenty of crying too, but candy patched things up. Nothing like watching your kid stuff their mouth with a tootsie roll, a smear of wet brown around the lips, a big smile with what looks like a missing tooth, but is just tootsie on a tooth. The whole time they are singing some non sensical song about what else, but candy of course.
We left a bowl of candy out. When we got back, it was all gone. Must've went out quick because someone/s left me a few chewed up juicy fruits stuck in the bowl. I got a nice neighborhood to get just chewed gum no? This is a dark neighborhood though. It's really dark out here. I felt like we were just walking past a bunch of black silhouettes all night.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Double Dental
Had a double dentist visit today. I lucked out and found a sane Dentist. The best news, no cavities or gum disease for anyone. Yay!
Got our new front door installed today. It's very nice and the installers did a good job. I had a good time talking with Floyd. He seems like a real down to earth guy and answered a lot of questions I had about our other renovation tasks. He was pretty shocked to learn I was 40. So that was cool that a 27 yr old said I was doing good for my age. hahaha
My ipad fell from about 4 ft. It wasn't even a hard fall as the case opened and my pants were involved with the fall. That doesn't make any sense does it. Anyway, it didn't hit that hard, so I was shocked when I went to turn it on later and the screen was black. You could tell it's lit, but still black. Ughhh is it even worth it to fix it I wonder.
I know a couple of my readers enjoy wearing all black when running. I only like to wear dark colors when it's cooler and now is the time. I have a Soloman black t shirt that I splurged on at REI before I left the Veegus. I have to admit that even though Soloman is pricey, they make some killer clothing. There are lots of little details that take it far beyond the regular shirt.
So I was running my usual route by my parents house today. I picked this route since it took me right by a house we were going to buy , but turned out to be a disaster. Anyway, there is one house at the end of the street that definitely has some crazy going on. You know, lots of odd things in the yard, a semi ice cream van with lots of wood paneling, and odd signs. Today the owner was in the backyard on a riding lawnmower, parked with it running and the lights on. All around him was nothing but a huge cloud of dirt. I think he was mowing his dirt! The thing that really got me though was that his probably auction bought white Chevy Caprice had large pvc angle pipes mounted on his trunk as if they were jets and the word "lucifer' was painted in red quite poorly on his rear bumper.
Got our new front door installed today. It's very nice and the installers did a good job. I had a good time talking with Floyd. He seems like a real down to earth guy and answered a lot of questions I had about our other renovation tasks. He was pretty shocked to learn I was 40. So that was cool that a 27 yr old said I was doing good for my age. hahaha
My ipad fell from about 4 ft. It wasn't even a hard fall as the case opened and my pants were involved with the fall. That doesn't make any sense does it. Anyway, it didn't hit that hard, so I was shocked when I went to turn it on later and the screen was black. You could tell it's lit, but still black. Ughhh is it even worth it to fix it I wonder.
I know a couple of my readers enjoy wearing all black when running. I only like to wear dark colors when it's cooler and now is the time. I have a Soloman black t shirt that I splurged on at REI before I left the Veegus. I have to admit that even though Soloman is pricey, they make some killer clothing. There are lots of little details that take it far beyond the regular shirt.
So I was running my usual route by my parents house today. I picked this route since it took me right by a house we were going to buy , but turned out to be a disaster. Anyway, there is one house at the end of the street that definitely has some crazy going on. You know, lots of odd things in the yard, a semi ice cream van with lots of wood paneling, and odd signs. Today the owner was in the backyard on a riding lawnmower, parked with it running and the lights on. All around him was nothing but a huge cloud of dirt. I think he was mowing his dirt! The thing that really got me though was that his probably auction bought white Chevy Caprice had large pvc angle pipes mounted on his trunk as if they were jets and the word "lucifer' was painted in red quite poorly on his rear bumper.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Halloween 3
This movie still creeps me out a bit. Maybe it's the music. Maybe it's Dan O'Herlihy. Maybe it's the scene where that kid gets his head nuked by the mask!!! You know not too many movies will show kids getting killed, especially in a gruesome way. I think the Blob remake also did this. The original Blob scarred my young brain a long time ago. Ughhhh Anyway, most people think Halloween III is junk. I thought as an adult it would seem silly to me, but it still creeps me out a little. Weird.
Magnetic Goats
Forgot to post this for yesterday. Was waiting in Lowes for them to bring up our new super awesome induction range. Oh some day I will boil water on you in the blink of an eye. Anyway, while waiting for what seemed like forever, I was perusing the book section. Of course I had to look in the bathroom design books. All of our bathrooms are in serious need of renovation. However, those won't be touched till next year. ughhh More OCD pain ....flowing...gahhhh!!
But then after seeing, kitchen, bathroom, deck, framing, grilling,electrical books, I came across a book with a crazy looking goat on the cover. Raising Goats! Right in the middle of the home reno books. Would you look at it?
I did and was suddenly whisked away into the world of goats. So many terms I had never heard, pictures of goats giving birth and being dehorned, playing with dogs. Maybe I should get a goat? Goats get along well with horses. Maybe I should get a horse? hahaha Where is my damn range!
I gotta bust up more tile today or tomorrow. I must have the foyer clear of tile before Floyd comes on Wed. I must impress Floyd with my DIY manliness. (cough) meh whatever..
But then after seeing, kitchen, bathroom, deck, framing, grilling,electrical books, I came across a book with a crazy looking goat on the cover. Raising Goats! Right in the middle of the home reno books. Would you look at it?
I did and was suddenly whisked away into the world of goats. So many terms I had never heard, pictures of goats giving birth and being dehorned, playing with dogs. Maybe I should get a goat? Goats get along well with horses. Maybe I should get a horse? hahaha Where is my damn range!
I gotta bust up more tile today or tomorrow. I must have the foyer clear of tile before Floyd comes on Wed. I must impress Floyd with my DIY manliness. (cough) meh whatever..
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sonic Crack
Today started off really ugly. I was in a supremely grumpy mood. But then one thing slowly turned it around....a hot fudge milkshake from Sonic. Wow!!! I'm not even a big milkshake fan, but these Sonic shakes are PREEEMOOOH! It should not be that good. I think they are doping their shakes or something. Go get one, so you can worship me for telling you about such yumminess.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Hackin Cramp
I got the truck back today. Hoorah! It's like driving a semi after driving that little 01 Altima around.
I Freecycled 2 things today. One guy showed up in total camo hunting gear. He was picking up a bunch of my packing paper to bring to his mother who is moving her Hummel figurines all the way up in Florala. The next guy was picking up my scrap wood, which I have an S-ton of. This guy was cracking me up though. He wore this big steel anchor necklace and had a massive belly. I mean this guy was like a 350 lb Scotty from Star Trek. But we got talking bout pools and old jobs and man his stories were colorful. I coulda talked with him for a while.
Ughhh my credit card got hacked again. Someone tried to buy 300 bucks of groceries over in Tuscon,AZ. I found this out when my card kept getting declined this morning. You could've called me you know. But, at least they stopped the transaction and killed the card before they could go elsewhere.
I had an ugly run today too. Nothing but constant cramps in my stomach and lots of aches all over. It was an effort to concentrate through it. Luckily, I don't have many days like that.
Had an electrician come to the house today. He opens my subpanel in the garage and says, "Uh Oh!!" Not what you want to hear. hahaha Going to have to add another subpanel outside which means mo money. Before he leaves, he saw this little pen like device I have that you can hold up to wires or outlets and it's supposed to blink and beep if it's hot. He says, "Pretty neat aren't these? Don't trust em!" Noooooo that's my magic wand dude. Don't tell me it's not true. To be honest I'd trust it more if it talked to me in a little nerdy voice that would say "SAFE!"
I Freecycled 2 things today. One guy showed up in total camo hunting gear. He was picking up a bunch of my packing paper to bring to his mother who is moving her Hummel figurines all the way up in Florala. The next guy was picking up my scrap wood, which I have an S-ton of. This guy was cracking me up though. He wore this big steel anchor necklace and had a massive belly. I mean this guy was like a 350 lb Scotty from Star Trek. But we got talking bout pools and old jobs and man his stories were colorful. I coulda talked with him for a while.
Ughhh my credit card got hacked again. Someone tried to buy 300 bucks of groceries over in Tuscon,AZ. I found this out when my card kept getting declined this morning. You could've called me you know. But, at least they stopped the transaction and killed the card before they could go elsewhere.
I had an ugly run today too. Nothing but constant cramps in my stomach and lots of aches all over. It was an effort to concentrate through it. Luckily, I don't have many days like that.
Had an electrician come to the house today. He opens my subpanel in the garage and says, "Uh Oh!!" Not what you want to hear. hahaha Going to have to add another subpanel outside which means mo money. Before he leaves, he saw this little pen like device I have that you can hold up to wires or outlets and it's supposed to blink and beep if it's hot. He says, "Pretty neat aren't these? Don't trust em!" Noooooo that's my magic wand dude. Don't tell me it's not true. To be honest I'd trust it more if it talked to me in a little nerdy voice that would say "SAFE!"
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Anudda Day
No power
Snapping carpet tack strips
Carrying buckets of cinderblock chunks
Eating 4 chocolate krispy kremes
Buying a saw blade to cut tile
Watching Sears take away furniture ( oh yah its all gone)
Watching my pool filter leaking after cleaning my pool
Watching soccer
Eating more bad food
Blow drying screaming child
Washing Dishes
Snapping carpet tack strips
Carrying buckets of cinderblock chunks
Eating 4 chocolate krispy kremes
Buying a saw blade to cut tile
Watching Sears take away furniture ( oh yah its all gone)
Watching my pool filter leaking after cleaning my pool
Watching soccer
Eating more bad food
Blow drying screaming child
Washing Dishes
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
GaDay Mate!
The home insurance rep came by the house the other day to 'check it over'. He was an older guy, kinda ruff looking and had an awesome Aussie accent. I was outside talking the talk with him and had to fight the urge to start speaking in an Australian accent. I had to catch myself twice.
I used to telemarket in college for the Pensacola Police. I would get so bored doing that job that I would often just start altering my voice as the night went on. I may even have whipped out Arnie on one occasion. I just remember loosing my accent on more than once occasion. Shakes head ( man that was baaad)
My pool has been losing water now for a couple of weeks. I had a home warranty guy come by and he explained that the drain on the bottom of my pool is disconnected from the system , but they didn't cap it off. He forced water through a pipe and you could see dirt distortion coming from the drain. So the idea is that the leak could be in that pipe that leads away from the drain.
So he says, you need to dive to the bottom, take the 2 philips screws off the drain cover and then install the plug, maybe two. He suggested that some people use a garden hose as a make shift breathing tube. I'm not a good swimmer by any stretch and holding my breath under 8 feet of water for a few minutes? I'm almost better off trying to run a sub 6 mile. Anyway, I tried my hardest, but only got a couple of turns on one screw. And breathing through a garden hose is hard on land!
I called the pool company and they sent this really big walrus looking guy to dive into my pool....with scuba gear. The pool company said their dive guy has been backed up with jobs for a while. WTF is going on with pools here?!! Anyway, cross my fingers that the leak was in that drain pipe and not in some other pipe or worse yet hidden in my pool structure.
I used to telemarket in college for the Pensacola Police. I would get so bored doing that job that I would often just start altering my voice as the night went on. I may even have whipped out Arnie on one occasion. I just remember loosing my accent on more than once occasion. Shakes head ( man that was baaad)
My pool has been losing water now for a couple of weeks. I had a home warranty guy come by and he explained that the drain on the bottom of my pool is disconnected from the system , but they didn't cap it off. He forced water through a pipe and you could see dirt distortion coming from the drain. So the idea is that the leak could be in that pipe that leads away from the drain.
So he says, you need to dive to the bottom, take the 2 philips screws off the drain cover and then install the plug, maybe two. He suggested that some people use a garden hose as a make shift breathing tube. I'm not a good swimmer by any stretch and holding my breath under 8 feet of water for a few minutes? I'm almost better off trying to run a sub 6 mile. Anyway, I tried my hardest, but only got a couple of turns on one screw. And breathing through a garden hose is hard on land!
I called the pool company and they sent this really big walrus looking guy to dive into my pool....with scuba gear. The pool company said their dive guy has been backed up with jobs for a while. WTF is going on with pools here?!! Anyway, cross my fingers that the leak was in that drain pipe and not in some other pipe or worse yet hidden in my pool structure.
Monday, October 17, 2011
King Burger
Well I almost trapped myself in a cabinet today. Liz would have come home in a frantic rush to find only my legs sticking out. it was a tight fit ,but I had no other way to reach a screw. The good news is ALL the kitchen cabinets are removed awaiting pickup by Habitat for Humanity tomorrow. Bad news is I have a six inch diameter pvc pipe sticking out of my floor along with a large whip of wires for the old range top that vented through the floor. I forsee a concrete sander rental in my future as the concrete is built up around the pipe too. It will also be a challenge to figure out how to kill the wires in the floor ,but keep the nearby outlet active.
Asa has finally mastered eating an ice cream cone. She's got her cone skills! Always a good time at King Burger.
Bedroom furniture arrived today. The smaller dresser came destroyed though, so its in my garage awaiting swap which who knows how long will take. The furniture also marked up the carpet pretty bad. We just cleaned that carpet too. At least it's not new carpet. Still...calls for a tactical customer service phone call. Maybe Jerky Boys?!!
Asa has finally mastered eating an ice cream cone. She's got her cone skills! Always a good time at King Burger.
Bedroom furniture arrived today. The smaller dresser came destroyed though, so its in my garage awaiting swap which who knows how long will take. The furniture also marked up the carpet pretty bad. We just cleaned that carpet too. At least it's not new carpet. Still...calls for a tactical customer service phone call. Maybe Jerky Boys?!!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
PTrap Trap!
Today we had a lot of difficulty removing the dishwasher from the kitchen. Amazing how much havoc a well placed screw can cause. Once that was done it was on to the sink and garbage disposal. Whew , having sludge from the P-trap drain pipes and sewer gas blast you in the face is pretty nasty. I just kinda sat there in disgust for a few moments, not really knowing what the heck I would do. Anyway, I have no kitchen sink now and probably wont for a couple of weeks. That's a painful thought if I hover around it too long.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The Thing
The 1982 version of The Thing is a great horror movie. It's a movie I watch today and think, here's what someone can do without CGI and it's still potent. They released a 'prequel' this weekend which is really just the same movie so the reviewers say. As Mathew Dekinder from Suburban Journals says in his review...
It's actually kind of unfair that this movie has to live up to the expectations of Kurt Russell with a flamethrower because in reality most of life can't live up to Kurt Russell with a flamethrower.
I have low expectations for this film as I would with any 80s remake.
Even if Ridley Scott is behind it, the idea of prequels to Blade Runner and Alien, just make me ill. Just leave the shit alone! I was trying to think, has there even been a good 80s remake? If you know of one let me know.
It's actually kind of unfair that this movie has to live up to the expectations of Kurt Russell with a flamethrower because in reality most of life can't live up to Kurt Russell with a flamethrower.
I have low expectations for this film as I would with any 80s remake.
Even if Ridley Scott is behind it, the idea of prequels to Blade Runner and Alien, just make me ill. Just leave the shit alone! I was trying to think, has there even been a good 80s remake? If you know of one let me know.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Take a lever to my module
Not the sweat wrenching day I thought it was going to be. I got a call from the mechanic though and it looks like the 900 dollar estimate will come true. The silly thing is that per Ford's problem solving notes, replacing this 'module' may NOT fix the power steering issue. In fact, it says you may have to also replace the 1800 dollar steering column. Good job numbnuts! The horror story online is that you get both these things done and it still happens. I'll just have to hope for the best right now.
Later was running in the afternoon, almost done. This younger guy maybe 15 to 20 was holding a weird skateboard, the kind that I usually see little kids using. He walks by me smoking and smiles and says " are you tired?" I was walking and I said," yah Kinda." I could smell that marlboro as he walked by. I'm really not sure if he was just being friendly or talking smack. Go figure.
Finally, so far this item has been the most helpful in taking stuff apart in the house. My wife says behold "the power of the lever!" It's true, you can tear some stuff apart with this thing!!
Later was running in the afternoon, almost done. This younger guy maybe 15 to 20 was holding a weird skateboard, the kind that I usually see little kids using. He walks by me smoking and smiles and says " are you tired?" I was walking and I said," yah Kinda." I could smell that marlboro as he walked by. I'm really not sure if he was just being friendly or talking smack. Go figure.
Finally, so far this item has been the most helpful in taking stuff apart in the house. My wife says behold "the power of the lever!" It's true, you can tear some stuff apart with this thing!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011
I spent a couple of hours scraping really old linoleum off of concrete today. I have to wonder what it looked like when it was brand new in say 1985 perhaps. Did someone take some Mop N Glow to it and think, "This floor is awesome!"
My truck is still in the garage. Hopefully, I'll get a call tomorrow. I'm going to expect a 900 dollar repair bill based on the internet reading I did. Maybe I'll be surprised.
Pulled the wall oven out today. Just a couple of screws holding that thing in too. Who wants a black whirlpool wall oven? It's cheap! Maybe free!
Well I'm off the vitamin M ( motrin), so this is good. My back is feeling 100% again. Now to just keep using the dolly rather than pretending I'm 25.
Apparently I have a mushroom head according to my wife. My hair is out of control I tell you. I was running a couple of days ago with a bandana on. I prolly looked like some 80s workout reject from a weird Al video. Should I shave it ? That's always the question.
My truck is still in the garage. Hopefully, I'll get a call tomorrow. I'm going to expect a 900 dollar repair bill based on the internet reading I did. Maybe I'll be surprised.
Pulled the wall oven out today. Just a couple of screws holding that thing in too. Who wants a black whirlpool wall oven? It's cheap! Maybe free!
Well I'm off the vitamin M ( motrin), so this is good. My back is feeling 100% again. Now to just keep using the dolly rather than pretending I'm 25.
Apparently I have a mushroom head according to my wife. My hair is out of control I tell you. I was running a couple of days ago with a bandana on. I prolly looked like some 80s workout reject from a weird Al video. Should I shave it ? That's always the question.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
If someone had said to me on July 7 that I wouldn't see my furniture or all our stuff until Oct 7th, I would've looked at them like they were insane. In fact, I am the one who is insane.
So I guess I'll try to post more. It could easily turn into me venting ( whining) about how my ocd self does not like the home renovation mountain that we've taken on. Most of our furniture and stuff is compressed into two rooms and the garage as we prepare to rip up all the remaining tile and carpet and lay down new tile and wood flooring. If only it were just that! If only.
My daughter spends 90 percent of her soccer games watching the dirt, but to her credit she actually scored a goal this evening. It was one of those slow motion goals that just barely made its way in. Liz and I were pretty excited.
The last couple of months have not been good for running. I was hoping to really have my weekly mileage back up at this point in the year, but I just don't have the time. So I just try to sneak in a small run here or there. Interestingly I have my treadmill back, but I have no desire to run on it. I miss running in Vegas a lot. I've even been thinking about how I could sneak away for a weekend and fly out there to run my ass off in Red Rock Canyon. At least it's getting cooler here.
So I guess I'll try to post more. It could easily turn into me venting ( whining) about how my ocd self does not like the home renovation mountain that we've taken on. Most of our furniture and stuff is compressed into two rooms and the garage as we prepare to rip up all the remaining tile and carpet and lay down new tile and wood flooring. If only it were just that! If only.
My daughter spends 90 percent of her soccer games watching the dirt, but to her credit she actually scored a goal this evening. It was one of those slow motion goals that just barely made its way in. Liz and I were pretty excited.
The last couple of months have not been good for running. I was hoping to really have my weekly mileage back up at this point in the year, but I just don't have the time. So I just try to sneak in a small run here or there. Interestingly I have my treadmill back, but I have no desire to run on it. I miss running in Vegas a lot. I've even been thinking about how I could sneak away for a weekend and fly out there to run my ass off in Red Rock Canyon. At least it's getting cooler here.
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