Monday, October 31, 2011

Grinding Rats

I dropped Rapunzel off to school and headed to Lowes. I went to the Sunbelt tool rental office wearing a large green winter vest and hat to hide my rats nest. You have to respect the vest no? All puffed up and olive drab, says I need my arms free to do some serious arm stuff. I need a tool to grind on some concrete I tell two puffy jacket guys working there. After some chewing and discussion, the two men working begin my contract. They both have diamond studs in their ears. One has it in the left ear, the other in the right. I found it to be an odd contrast.

Grinding concrete is manly work indeed. Sparks, smoke, tons of dust, an element of serious bodily harm if you don't pay attention, and heavy. Next cutting PVC with a dremel releases a smell that is foul and hopefully will not cause some caustic random tissue damage to my lungs. And lastly, mixing and pouring of concrete.

My dogs brought me a fairly big rat today. I think they wanted me to bbq it since they left it by the grill. At least they thoroughly deaded him.

Halloween is over for another year. I got to see my Rapunzel fall on her face on the grass luckily. Candy flying everywhere in the dark it did. There was plenty of crying too, but candy patched things up. Nothing like watching your kid stuff their mouth with a tootsie roll, a smear of wet brown around the lips, a big smile with what looks like a missing tooth, but is just tootsie on a tooth. The whole time they are singing some non sensical song about what else, but candy of course.

We left a bowl of candy out. When we got back, it was all gone. Must've went out quick because someone/s left me a few chewed up juicy fruits stuck in the bowl. I got a nice neighborhood to get just chewed gum no? This is a dark neighborhood though. It's really dark out here. I felt like we were just walking past a bunch of black silhouettes all night.

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