Friday, February 12, 2010

Ch ch ch ch Chia!

And so another birthday has come and passed. This time it's the uneventful 39 yrs old. Everyone says ,"1 more year!!!" and the shit really starts to get crazy right? Pffft Turning 30 was actually a really good thing for me. I dare say 40 is going to be even better. I'm going to be one of those 40 yr old men who say "I'm in the best shape of my life!" And although I'm still convinced a large portion of this healthy trend is tied to some hidden mid-life crisis, it's still a good thing. Hopefully I can continue to improve my mental focus and outlook as well as my physical condition.

Got my first food order from a local farm co-op. Soon I get to cut up some whole chicken and eat my fresh green eggs. I get to eat my organic popcorn and compare it to Orville's. I got my chia seeds and raw honey comb!!!

Watched this really cool vid from where a 13 yr old girl named Anna Herbst video taped the SDO rocket disrupting the ice crystals that were causing a sun dog. You can see it here

Anyway, thanks to all my friends who sent me bday wishes. I've never been big on birthdays, but it is nice to get txts and emails from you. So thank you. (btw Jennifer Anniston's bday was the day before mine! lol) Here's an old picture for you then to contrast such a cheery ending!


  1. Some girl in that video going Wow! It just sounded so genuine.

  2. Just as geniune as that time I yelled Shark and no one believed me! lol
