Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yom Yom Yom

I ate a ton of bad food this weekend for sure. Lots of cookies, Ihop, Smashburger, and more cookies! Watched some Olympics even. Both the ladies and mens mogul skiiing was pretty cool to watch.

Valentines day was chill as it was dog butt cold outside. I was feeling really blah doing laundry,cleaning ,talking bout taxes, spending large amounts of money on non fun things, and talking bout moving. However, I did get my 'dork' shoes the other night and was eager to test them out even though my ankle was feeling a bit off the other day. So I ran 2 miles in the VFFs and it felt really good! No discomfort, and maybe a slight sense of being more connected and free at the same time. I was really charged up after working out and felt great!

Later, I was rebooting my router in frustration when I spied an orange glow out the corner of my eye. A faint sun pillar was showing on the horizon. In the mere minute it took to grab my cam, change lens, and go upstairs, it died down a bit, but still a slight glowy blob remained. When I moved here I thought I'd see some glorious sunsets, but it's always some weird atmospheric stuff. Well that and apocalyptic clouds of doom!!

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