Friday, June 25, 2010


Ahhh yah, I like seeing that big bold SOLD sign in my front yard. Now I just cross my fingers that the VA appraisal in Aug doesn't sink the boat.

Was a hot and humid day outside. Went to Liz's work picnic today and loaded up on all sorts of food. After being so stuffed , I went for a run when the sun was setting. Started off tired but by the end I was feeling good. Love it when exercise can perk you up for the night. Beats feeling sluggy and grumpy.

So my house is emmmmppppttyyyy. The movers came early on Wednesday, instead of today and not just packed , but took away all my stuff. Ahhhh I got no washing machine, no vacuum, no chairs. What the hell was I thinking?!! Thank God for good neighbors hookin us up.

I freecycled my small bbq gril and half a bag of charcoal today. I tell ya, I dig freecycle. It's a great way to get rid of weird shit that you can't sell , but seems kinda wasteful to throw away.

Speaking of weird! Guess what my "I want" radar is tweaked on now? Nooo not that 500 dollar knife I've been eyeing for a long time, but a ......trumpet! Can you see me blowing a trumpet?! We shall see, but I was in Borders today and picked up a Miles Davis cd, so who knows.

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