Friday, August 20, 2010

New Challengers

I took Asa to her school orientation today. I thought it was kinda funny that I was a bit nervous about it all. I met with her teacher Mrs. Kim and some of the other mothers of the boys in the class. There was one dad there that reminded me of Ray Liotta. He just had this whole tilt and scowl to him that said , "You want some of me?!!" I stayed away from him.

Anyway, lots of new dad experiences for me. It will be strange, sad, and a relief all at the same time to have her in school 3 full days a week. When kids have birthdays at the school, instead of doing a birthday, they do a 'spotlight' day. They get to bring in a show n tell item and their parent/s. I may get to read a story to the class! That will be a little weird for me.

Here's the school's shield!!

"What are you going to do with all your free time?" Yah that's the running jab I hear lately. Some believe I will just come home and sleep. You may be right. I will certainly take a nap every now and then, but I have plenty to do. One of those things is putting more consistent time into my trumpet practice.

I've had a couple of lessons so far from a elderly gent named Gary. He played in the Navy band some 20 years ago. He comes to my house and charges me 25 bucks for an hour lesson. He's pretty funny too. As much as I want to learn trumpet skills, I really enjoy just talking music with him and hearing about his wild music days.

The hardest thing for me so far in playing is hitting the higher notes. The are 31 notes on my beginners chromatic scale. Note number 23 is an E which is open meaning no valves pushed down. It's so freeking hard for me to play right now. I feel like my lips are just going to implode. Today was the first day that I really played it solid for a good 5 seconds and then was able to repeat without my lips just puckering out. A lot of my practice right now is really boring, it's simply playing notes over and holding them to work out my lips and lungs. It's pretty fun though.
Here's a pic of my Ambassador Olds Cornet I bought off of ebay from another polish Marc who lived in Kissimmee, FL.

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