Monday, August 16, 2010

Roads or trails?

My treadmill faces a wall. On it I have a page from Runner's world taped to the wall. It's a picture of Scott Jurek. It's a sepia toned picture of just his face. His face is tilted slightly upward and has a hint of discomfort in his face. The whole tone of the pic matches the tone of the article very well. Scott has demons and he constantly has to ask "why do I do what I do?" "Am I doing this for me or for others?" " Is it all worth it?"

I guess I thought his pic would be some sort of silent cheerleader for me, but rigth now ,my time on the treadmill isn't about pushing my limits both mentally and physically, which I think is what Scott Jurek is about. So I often find myself closing my eyes and thinking of running on an elevated hill alongside the pacific ocean or running through the trails I used to walk through in Maryland. I really had no idea, the gold in trails I had there.

I was thinking that maybe I should take a photo from my own collection and blow it up to hang on my wall. Here are some of my favorites from my visit to the Painted Desert in AZ.