Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lamb Park Pics

This is only my shadow. Am I armless, wearing a bucket on my head, and a wood plank in front of my shorts?

Seems part of my brain is always searching natural structures for something man made. While in that search I found this root. It reminds me of a satellite pic, but also has a kinda of deformed 'Scream' mask-ness about it.

My other photography friends and I would give each other photo titles, like road guy, sky guy, and dog guy. Whenever we're out taking pics, each person lives up to their title by proudly showing off a good pic of a sky, road, or dog. I was sky guy, but I think maybe I should've been called garbage guy. I love garbage cans and dumpsters. If I was going to make a coffee book, it would be Dumpsters of The World!

This is me daydreaming in the grass. I was thinking about playing with a praying mantis that lives in my backyard as if he were my pet. Then I remember the dream about a mantis on my ceiling as I'm waking up in a large bed in a highschool classroom. I grab the mantis by his body and crush his head. I lovingly hold it up to my wife's face, and she tersely kisses it. The mantis vanishes , but there's blood all over my fingers.

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