Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sex In The Window

Someone should really work on plastic /a coating that either prevents markers from working on the plastic or the markers wash off very easily. And be affordable and green too while we're at it. Tall order I know. Why do kids have to write such vulgarities all over the place? Maybe I should go back in time to ask myself that. Wait, did I write nasty things on playground equipment? Hmmm I can't recall, but I know I was both directly and indirectly responsible for other heinous acts of juvenile destruction. Maybe I should go back to the playground and wash the equipment myself?

At the first park today, one slide area had at least 3 large drawings of male genitalia committing to their reproductive roles. In the other playground set underneath the slides were some little chairs. Asa in her imagination said that this metal window was this and this metal square was that. She wasn't registering that the word 'S E X' was written all over this metal. Nor did she care that "I like to do sex hard" was written over next to me. There were several other things written that I'll leave out.

Later at another park, since I was looking for a public tennis court, I had to deal with teens using profane language around us. Two girls were sitting in the playground tube on the phone and one girl says out loud, "Does he have a nice ass?!!" Giggles soon follow. Asa is oblivious having fun on the segmented bridge. Then a skateboarder comes up to the pavillion near us for a just a moment to yell "fuck no!" The girls quickly leave and the skateboarder move on.

I'm not really complaining about this though. Normally I wouldn't think twice about such things, but having that new feeling of wanting to shield your kid from the uglies of the world is an interesting thing to feel inside myself. I just need to remember who her number one source of learning is.

On a side note. I've seen 2 crazy instances of violence while driving here. The first was at a large intersection where two kids got out of their car and threw punches at the driver next to them. Right after a police car pulled up behind them. Sometimes it feels so nice to say "BUSTED!"

Yesterday looking for a Subway, I came to a 4 way intersection , that was packed up because of school crossings. As I was getting ready to drive away from the 4 way, I see a huge black man wearing a tank top and shorts get out of a silver PT Cruiser. He's yelling at the car behind him to "Get the fuck out!" and frantically trying the door handles. Then a black woman comes out of the PT cruiser and also attacks the car screaming and yelling. As I'm driving away, I see the car move back and forth and it looks as if the man is diving on the hood, but no, his fist is coming down on the windshield, and then I see that the windshield has been partly shattered. Finally, the car spins out and takes off around the corner with the man and woman left standing with arms in the air. WTF was that about?!! Glad no one got run over, but how did he bust the windshield? Vegas got some crazy yup.

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