I finished up this month running with 122 miles. So a little less than last month, but there was plenty of new stuff in the running program this month. First, I ran outside 12 of the 20 days ran. That's double my normal amount. The outside runs were often more strenuous too since half were at Red Rock. I began adding a day of ten 100 meter sprints into the week which is really fun. I also just added simple stretching and core strength exercises with a medicine ball into the week. Hoping to get those in 3 times a week also. And lastly, I've slowly reintroduced push ups into the week. This will be a really slow addition. I've tried it before and done too much only aggravating my shoulder. That's how I got an impinged shoulder to begin with last March trying to do those silly clapping push ups. Bloody hell! Also, even with the purchase of the Cascadia 5s (44 miles ) I managed to keep my minimal shoe vs reg heel to toe drop shoes to 50/50 use. I'm ok with that!
Finally, there's been much discussion about where we will move to next. Back and forth, back and forth. Would it be Langley, VA? Anchorage, AK? Eielson, AK? (Thank God no, that's too cold there!) or back home to FL? Anchorage was so very close. Alaska is extreme in everything so it was exciting and daunting at the same time. What would come out on top there? The long dark winter making me crazy, or running along the bay seeing a pod of Narwhal? Those thoughts will have to wait as other more important matters have presented themselves. Back to the Sunshine state we will go.