The news just bummed me out today too. I've just absorbed so much of the news in the last couple of days, it was not healthy. The insanity that is spewing forth from some people with regard to the shootings in AZ... it just gets to me sometimes. Maybe that's why I found some comfort in listening to Skinny Puppy for a while today. However, it's one of those things where as you get older and revisit the passions of youth, you find a bit more of yourself unable to connect to it anymore. Maybe that's the core of it, maybe I just feel old today.
On a funny note, there's my dog. He's definitely a little skittish sometimes depending on the situation. I like to play hide and seek with him though. He will be upstairs and I will make a noise that he knows is meant to play. Sometimes he has to whip his nose out to find me and I can hear him get frantic in looking for me. Sometimes I will jump out and try to scare him, but it never works.
So last night in a very unplanned moment, I walked down the hall into a room right as I heard him trouncing down the stairs. I had walked into a room but didn't turn the light on. I knew he would go in the living room first to see Mother. I just barely peeked around the door and saw his foot coming towards me. So I jumped out and went brrahhh!
As I lay on the floor laughing to the point of crying, I am running it over and over in my head. As I jumped out, Finley had his head down which instantly snapped up. His body almost reflexively snapped to that play position dogs do with the front of the body lower and front paws spread out, but his head was still out of wack and up a bit. The noise that came out of him sounded like someone knocked the breath of him with the weakest bark ever. While frozen in shock, his mouth and teeth were clenched in a way that tells me without a doubt I scared the crap out of him. Jeez words just don't do it justice. Had I filmed it, I betcha I coulda got a video of the day spot somewhere. Gotta love our pets.
He is Batman!