Friday, January 28, 2011

Pizza Pizza Yum

Pizza!! Warm glorious pizza pie with hot greasy cheese, salty and succulent pepperoni, strips of juicy ham, and thin shavings of beef crispy like bacon, all on a medium sized crust that's light, crisp, and has this silty black powder on the bottom whose flavors run from a hint of grilled steak to the richest of grilled cheese sandwiches. Something like that anyway. The pizza I ate tonight was close, but the crust was more to the normal variation.

I hit Red Rock Canyon today and just eeked out a 13 mile run. My legs were really tired right around 10, so I had to walk that last half mile. Saw a couple of trail runners today which was cool. 60 degrees in the canyon with a chilly wind equals nipple chafe city, but the sun was warm enough so I just went January. Coolness! Wore the Cascadia 5s and taped my ankle. I only smacked it once briefly so there was no blood letting today. A decent run, though I was dog tired when I was done. Kinda sucks driving home for 30 minutes because by the time I get out of the truck, it's like ahhhhhh move legs!

I've been craving 2 things lately: Lobster and pizza. Liz was very gracious in letting me go eat by myself, so I decided to wait on Liz for the lobster and grab myself some hot juicy pizza! I ate Papa Johns all the way back in July of 2010, but no real pizza since then. Can you call PJ's real? So I think you'd agree that it was not just time for pizza, it was life imperative! I drove down to a place called Rocco's New York Pizza and ordered a 14inch meat lovers all for myself! 8 Slices of that madness.

I sat in Rocco's eating my glorious pizza , watching some NFL recap show where they spent a lot of time showing people angry with Brett Favre like this one guy who was waving a Buck Frett sign all over the place. Crazy. Anyway, the atmosphere in Rocco's was what you'd expect with the loud Brooklyn-ish accents talking loudly, the huge well centered poster of the World Trade Towers, lots of old washed out photos of NY delis and restaurants, pictures of uncle whoever throwing a snowball, sports jerseys, and even Tasty Cakes! Yum!

A man came in covered from neck to toe in what appeared to be some very detailed and interesting tattoos. Another guy came in sporting the Eminem look. Can that be cool? Another woman came in wearing a plain brown shirt with plain yellow text that said "Doesn't Care". I thought wow that kinda sums it up don't ya think? Later these two gay asians guys came in, and one of them had his head tilted the whole time with this constant super pout look on his face. He also shuffled his feet really fast which was kinda strange. Definitely some interesting folk coming through there. So Rocco's was a good time indeed. I will have to go there again perhaps.

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