Sunday, November 13, 2011

Marsha Marsha Marsha

Three day weekend is gone. Like my daughter says "quick as a jiff!" Her soccer ended and they had a nice little awards ceremony at Godfathers. I had a slice of taco pizza which came out late in the buffet, and while it was decent, the buffalo chicken pizza was actually pretty stellar. I may have to get me some more of that when the pizza train comes back.

Got some stuff done on the kitchen, but not as much as we would've liked. Liz got called back to work both Sat and Sun leaving me with no task master and when I have no task master, I can get sidetracked. Electricians should be back tomorrow or Tuesday and by the end of the week, the kitchen should be ready for some counter top measuring! I swear , when that counter top and sink get installed I'm going to lay on top of it and hug it.

This has not been a stellar week of running which does not go well with the massive amount of food I've eaten this week. Luckily my body has not been too upset by the calorie fests I've been having. I guess the renovation must be burning some calories too. My shoulders were actually sore from drilling holes the other day. Didn't seem like it would be that intense. Go figure.

Most people wouldn't admit this next thing, but in winding down last night with a beer before bed, I found myself unable to stop watching The Brady Movie. I mean Marsha ..shes married to Ben Stiller. The dad was that guy from Office Space. And Jan Brady, so funny and strangely attractive at the same time. Anyway, I guess it helps that I was a fan of the original series back in the day.

And before that, what was on..Coccoon The Return. My immediate thought was WTH is Steve Guttenburg doing now. It seems he's been busy doing charity work which is very cool. It also seems he's going to be in Three Men and A Bride with Danson and Selleck. Ooof I'll pass on that, but Danson btw has never been funnier than the pot smoking magazine editor in HBO's Bored to Death. I gotta catch back up with that show at some point.

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