Friday, March 30, 2012

Ninja Swirls

Dancing as one would only do in private while holding a box of mozzarella cheese its.. that's what I was doing. Listening to Enter The Ninja by Die Antwoord I spy a Lizard, better known as a green anole peeking around a corner outside my sink window. He's flaring his red throaty sack and I point to him and say "you're a mutherf***in ninnnja!"

Later I was finishing up the dishes and somehow I managed to spurt out a couple of small bubbles from the dish soap. They were maybe the size of my pinky fingernail. One of them floated for a very long time, at least a couple of minutes. It would get close to the counter or a cabinet and then spin around all crazy and fly up and down and zig zag. I was standing still watching this seemingly cognizant micro probe zip around. Finally, it just kind of stayed in place for a few seconds. I got close and looked at the color densities/swirls. None of them were moving. Usually it seems like bubbles are always rotating. Then it slowly came down and landed on the counter to burst. Can't help but have relativistic universe thoughts with this. But seriously, was that an unusual event I wonder? How often do people watch bubbles for minutes at a time?

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