Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cork Snackeez

Yesterday we were on our way to Lowe's to buy a pull bar.  All the DIY stuff on laying down flooring says you'll need a taping block. This block allows you to hammer the flooring slats in a safe way to make the seams push up with no gaps. No one tells you to get a pull bar.  Which is just ridiculous since the tapping block is complete shit.  The pull bar OWNS!

And with that the cork flooring in the master closet is complete. Still a pretty good pain in the ass.

Anyway, on our way to Lowe's we almost saw a dog get runover at a busy intersection near our house.  She was a little fat white jack russel.  So we pulled over and put the dog in the truck.  We drove around a bit to see if we could figure out where the dog came from. She was fat and old, so it couldn't have been far.  I talked to some people on a porch and they suggested I go two houses down.  I did and I think I just scared these people as they didn't want to come to their door. Guess it's the Wolverine thing eh.

So Liz and I took the dog to my parents house as they agreed to keep her in the garage until Monday when Animal Control was open. Well, today Liz was going up to work and saw a house with a sign and sure enough, this was the dog's house.

So I returned Poo Bear! to their owners.  And older couple named Larry and Carolyn.  They just moved into this house a couple weeks ago. Interestingly, he's from LA and her from south FL. Since Larry's wife passed, these two had a teenage love connection that got..reconnected! They had two dachsunds and a maltese looking dog with cancer. All in all a happy re-union.

I know she was going mad the night before since it was a really bad storm. I know if my dog was lost I would be freaking out!  They were so nice and Poo Bear was such a cute little fattie sausage.  It was a good thing all around.

Later in the night, I went out to make sure my pool was going to shut off and what slithered right in front of me into the pool.  A 3 foot or so snake! Ahhh what is up with the snakes lately.  The damn thing swam out and then turned around and came right back at me.  I ran inside to grab a light. Where my 500 lumen light when I need it!

The snake seemed to be stuck in the pool but he kept following me or the light it seemed like at some moments.  Google images for water snake and cotton mouth/moccasin ensued.  Can I really get close enough to see the shape of it's constantly moving head?  Kinda brown, maybe red, yellow irregular bands.  We really thought it was a Moccasin at first which is not a good thing.  Liz's sister and husband are the closest wild animal experts we know so a few snaps from the phone and a few texts later suggested that it was perhaps a corn/rat snake.  A better thing.  They're supposed to be good climbers though.  I just threw some pool noodles on the sides so he had something to slither up on.  It came out of the pool at one point seeming to rest, but then went back in!

Hopefully he'll be gone by the morning.  To think we had thought about taking a late night dip. Yeeesh!

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