Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Fresh off the road!

Imagine riding along (not too fast thank goodness) and suddenly you decide to just lay your bike down into the curb. Man, I wish I could've seen a video of it.  I'm pretty sure my head went smack into the ground.

It's been years , I can't even remember since I was at that point of "well, I can't do shit now, just gunna fall and hope shit don't break!"  I was cleaning my glasses with both hands and a freak cross wind came along. I'm such the bighead no hands rider I'm like I can compensate with no hands. Nope! Wind said,"get your ass on the ground!"

I splatted right at the corner of a driveway. So lucky I did not meet big brick mailbox.  I sat their collecting myself. Nothing broken, no deep cuts, bike ok, and yay! I didn't get racked. That's the worst isn't it?  The woman that lives at this house drives up and offers to give me a ride back, but I tell her I'm ok and ride home.

I got home and cleaned my wounds real quick and then went for a run! Why not right?

What you don't see in the pic is my shoulder scraped up and the other side of my knee.  Right now it feels like someone hit it with a hammer and is pretty swollen and bruised. Guhhhhh!!!  My ribs are starting to ache and my left shoulder is hurting too. Oh Motrin, please save me! Hopefully, I won't be a hot disaster tomorrow.

Was this an adjustment bureau intervention? Setting me back for a few minutes for some reason? Hmmmmm.....


  1. Damn Marc. But kudos for going for run after. I havent fall off my bike yet. (knock on wood), but I have ran into back of a white van on my bike. I thought he was going, he suddenly stop, back wheels up and my face on his back window. lol No damage. I said im ok and biked away.

  2. face plant on white van!! thats classic dude.
