Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Tonight the Leonid meter show is underway. However, it won't be a big show this year due to the moonlight, and low density of the comet's stream. It will probably be null all the way out here in the westerly west with that darn tootin Pyramid downtown blasting the sky with light. You never know though when you might see a fireball and those are totally worth it.

I was talking to a friend a couple of days ago and timely enough we stumbled onto our memories of going out into a big field in po dunk Florida to watch the shower till dawn. It was a very peaceful night. I tried to watch some last year, but it was just so cold that night in Nebraska. Other times, it was just too cloudy out. I forget which year it was maybe 2001, but that was amazing. If only I had the digital cameras of now back then.

In 2002 I spent all night gazing and got 1 decent pic. I took like 4 rolls of film that night. Why film? No digital sensor I had could have a long enough exposure without severe noise. So film was the ticket. I got a lot of black pictures back that day. hahaha

Spaceweather still has my submission up. It's funny because looking at this pic, you think "that's it?!!" But when I think of all the time and planning I put into this one little picture, it was a huge success to get this one image right before dawn broke out. So many times in the night you would see what seemed like a big and colorful streak and wonder..did I get it? got nuttin but stars.

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