Sunday, November 28, 2010

MV 22B Osprey

Sickness is all around me. I am currently resisting!

Las Vegas has a lot of sky traffic. There's the Air Force Base and their continual sorties out to the bombing range. There's a small airport near me, then the big airport south. I didn't know there is this line of helicopters flying around downtown which I heard is for celebrity transport. There's even a radio controlled plane runway a couple blocks away from my house. These rc planes are like 7 feet long.

I see cessnas and helicopters just come and fly circles round my neighborhood like they're looking for someone. And the military aircraft is way more varied here than it ever was at Eglin or Offut.

When I first moved here, I was told that one of my neighbors is a predator drone pilot. There are sighting of those here too. I would like to see one hopefully someday while out in the mountains while running. Anyway, driving home one afternoon before the airshow a few weeks back, I looked up and saw an unusual plane flying away from me. It took my brain a few minutes to figure out what it was. I had forgotten about it until surfing the web tonight. I'm sure it was probably headed to Nellis for the air show.

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