Saturday, November 27, 2010

Vamp Farts

Who knew a street so close to my house would have such strange items. Remember the corgis and decapitated pigeon? Same road today, I see a couple walking towards me and Finley. They look so amazingly ordinary. Both are middle aged, slightly over weight and stocky. The man has some pretty wild porkchops going on and they're slightly reddish in hue. Both wearing sunglasses, hats, very similar exercise outfits , and very similar backpacks that look like school packs. As I walk by, both smile and say Hi! So what could possibly make this completely ordinary encounter stick out?

I swear both of them had vampire teeth!! I forget how trendy vampin is these days.

So the walk continues and I notice that the usually quiet horse corral is full of riders today and several of them are ringing their lassos in the air. Then I notice them yawin in some steers. Yeah I said Yawin! So they were practicing for rodeo I guess. It was funny to me, because I don't think Finley has seen a cow up close and he was kinda wigged out by them.

Next property up I notice 3 horses playing in their pen. Usually I just see them standing around, wavin their tales and stuff. Today though, these young studs were prancin, jumping, rolling in the dirt, and making lots of horsey noises. Yah I'm so not a horse person am I! Somewhere out there is my first serious highschool girlfriend, and I wonder if she still loves horses. Karen? Do you? Anyway, they are playing when suddenly one horse jumps at the other and the other horse dodges the first horse. The first horse comes crashing down and lets out, no explodes with the loudest fart I've ever heard in my life. It was like a gunshot! Ok no it wasn't that loud, but I was definitely glad to be on the other side of the road.

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