Sunday, December 5, 2010

56,000 stinky feet

28,000 people ran in the Las Vegas Rock N Roll marathon today. I want to say the cost of entry into the race was $145 bucks. That's some serious dough no?!! It's also a lot of money in running shoes that only gets bigger. Wowzers! I hope a fair amount of that money is going to charity. Reading some of the reviews, some people were really disappointed in the race saying it was boring after the strip, meals cost too much, and organization was poor. Honestly, I think the strip is lame. I couldn't understand why you'd want to run down there unless it was at night. On the website, I saw a video of Scott Jurek out at Red Rock Canyon doing a quick press bit. Would've been really cool to have seen him out there at RRC. I'd just want to yell his name and give him a fist pump or something!

Liz brought a nifty little blood sugar tester home the other day. I had gone back to sleep after getting Asa off to school, so all I had to eat in the last 12 hours was some chai tea with a teaspoon of honey. My level was 78! Yay!!

In May of this year I started keeping track of what shoe I would run in. I totaled up everything last night and found out some interesting items. I would not have guessed that I ran the most miles in my Nike Frees. Out of a possible 6 pairs of shoes, the Frees led by over 100 miles. They are retired now since I have ruined them by getting crazy and shaving the heels off them, but they gave me 230 miles worth.

The other interesting item is that of all my running miles only 20% was done in my vibram five fingers. In fact, the only real minimalist shoes I have are the vibrams and Brooks Mach 11s. Together they only account for 40% of my mileage! I am not such the minimalist runner it seems. With that said the Mach's are a favorite shoe for me right now. With only 130 miles on them, I should be good until next spring when the new crop of minimalist running shoes come out.

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