Monday, December 13, 2010

Easssy boy! Eaasssy!

I went back to the mountain today for a run. It's been a month since I've been there. Two months since I've run at Sawmill trail. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be, maybe 50 in the shade. I've been running outside near my house last few weeks where it's mostly flat. So when I hit the trail today, my lungs were none too happy! This time the perceived effort matched the performance. Felt slow - was slow. Every run can't be this super awesome run though.

I did get to run on some new trail before deciding that going further might get me lost. New trail is always cool. I may take my mountain bike up here and make a point to mark way points with my gps. Would be a nice change up I think. I came across a tree with a clipboard attached to it. It had grid coordinates marked on it for trail teams or something. Some sort of land nav exercise I spose. I got to run on plenty of ice and thick mudd, saw a bunch of deer with a big 8pt male, and also scared the bujeezus out of two wild horses. I was a little startled myself. I also pushed myself past the point of stopping a couple of times. Every one of those mental battles is worth a nugget of gold I think.

In the realm of media, the opening of Tron is only a few days away. I've read enough reviews now to really lower my expectations greatly. haha Part of me would almost rather see 127 Hours. I also happen to see the trailer for Battle Los Angeles and thought it looked stellar! Like Black Hawk Down meets Independence Day, but some people who claim to have seen it on imdb say it sucks. Which I kinda believe once I looked at the director's other movies. Shame, I like Aaron Eckhart. However, the music from the movie trailer for Battle LA is phenomenal. Half the posts are people asking what the music is.

This leads me to Johann Johannson. A funny name for a guy who's life is pushing the envelope of new art forms. Long story short, Johannson's father worked for IBM some 40 years ago and took his data processing system ( old ass proto computer!) and programmed it to make music. Very minimalist tones and such I think. His father recorded his songs and years later Johann added to these basic pieces making them into intricately beautiful thematic pieces.

Here's the video for the song in the Battle LA trailer. The video doesn't match the emotional power of the music, but it's weird enough that it evokes some emotion.

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