Monday, December 6, 2010

Like a Steel Trap!

Tonight I had an old Batman episode on in the background while I played some insane puppet game with my daughter. At one point, the Riddler has Robin tied to a rope with his hands bound behind his back on a building's ledge with two henchman about to film it. Suddenly Batman appears on the roof top and yells, "Robin!" The Riddler cuts to the chase a pushes Robin off the side. After 3 seconds of Batman getting his Bat-r-rang ready he tosses it down and says "Robin! Bite it with your teeth!" The Riddler is foiled as Batman slowly pulls Robin up while he dangles from the bat-r-rang like a caught fish. Robin is an acrobat after all right. That's a totally sanctioned manuever right?

Holy Polygrip Batman! On the roof, Robin says "I sure am glad I take such good care of my teeth!" And Batman says, "Yes Robin. If only all of Amer....." then he's cut off by the Riddler drawing riddles in the sky.

I'm glad I never really liked that show. Incidentally, the dentist called me today to ask why I wasn't coming to my appt to see how my scaling and planing turned out. I finally told them, look you told me the laser treatment was 400 in the waiting room, then when I get in the room, the hygienist says oh I can get them to do it for 200. I said, " I don't need car salesmen tactics! "( sorry beezer! lol) Sometimes you have to shoot the messenger. I used a rubber bullet though, jeez. I'm glad I didn't take the laser treatment, especially after I found an article on the ADA website that states there's no evidence that laser tx reduces periodontal bacteria. Way to rip people off Shadow Mountain Dental clinic.

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