Friday, March 19, 2010

Kwisatz Haderach

I've actually never seen that word in the title spelled out before. My initial spelling of it on google gave me zilch! Some of you who read this won't have the immediate mental connection of what it means. It's a term from the movie Dune. I caught the last half of it on IFC last night and it's still a great movie for me. The ghostly theme music by Brian Eno when they're in the desert is still fantastic.

I know many fans of the books poopoo on Lynch's movie, but I think it's 'out of the box' style still works today. However, reading on wiki some of the background info, perhaps I'm actually ready to read some of his books? Here's a snippet on the Kwisatz Haderach.

In the series, the matriarchal Bene Gesserit hope to create a male who can survive the deadly ritual spice agony that changes a capable female acolyte into a Reverend Mother. A female Bene Gesserit is limited:

She ... was confronted immediately with a cellular core, a pit of blackness from which she recoiled. That is the place where we cannot look, she thought. There is the place the Reverend Mothers are so reluctant to mention — the place where only a Kwisatz Haderach may look.[1]

The Sisterhood theorize that such a male would possess absolute prescience, seeing all possible futures thus being able to cause select threads of time to be realized through manipulation. The Bene Gesserit intend to use their Kwisatz Haderach to make their order more powerful than the other factions within the Old Empire.

In the texts, Herbert also refers to the Kwisatz Haderach as "the one who can be many places at once."

Those crazy Bene Gesserit's were some slick mama's I tell ya. Love the Reverand Mother too. This action figure is just funny though.

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