I was in the produce market tonight, looking to buy a largish quantity of tomatoes. I found a jar of Bee Pollen. They looked like nerds candy only yellowish, like you'd see on a bee's leg. So what do you do with bee pollen?
I came home and googled it and many sites tell you that bee pollen is the next best thing to the fountain of youth. Put it in your cereal and be amazed at how you will be antioxidized like never before. Finally found some sites that say well, there's no studies to support its claims, and a few that negate them. So for 12 bucks a jar, I'll pass.
Running today, I passed a couple of young kids. One was overweight and walking, the other on a bmx bike. The boy on the bike looked upset with his head down and a kind of kick dirt into the wind pout. The walking boy was asking him questions and bike kid says, "well he always gets someone else, because he knows he can't win in a fight against just me." Sigh, ughh the pains of growing up. Later I ran by a couple arguing on their porch. I couldn't get details of the conversation, but they were not happy. My run was misty. I don't think I've ever run in mist. Hmmph.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
ISS Power
A busy day with a little of everything. A quick run, some weights, some miter saw action, lots of vacuuming and cleaning, some yardwork, and 8 eggrolls to wash it all down.
I finally got around to my daily checking out of universetoday.com and they had a video posted from the ISS flyovers. The author, Bitmeizer, uses the music from the newer Star Trek trailer which is actually called 'Freedom Fighters' by Two Steps from Hell.
Apparently, Two Steps From Hell is a production music company based in Santa Monica, California. Founded by Nick Phoenix and Thomas J. Bergersen, the company produces music for movie trailers.
This video just makes me boggle my goggle though. The lightning and aurora are awesome. I recommend headphones, full screen, and in the dark if possible!
I finally got around to my daily checking out of universetoday.com and they had a video posted from the ISS flyovers. The author, Bitmeizer, uses the music from the newer Star Trek trailer which is actually called 'Freedom Fighters' by Two Steps from Hell.
Apparently, Two Steps From Hell is a production music company based in Santa Monica, California. Founded by Nick Phoenix and Thomas J. Bergersen, the company produces music for movie trailers.
This video just makes me boggle my goggle though. The lightning and aurora are awesome. I recommend headphones, full screen, and in the dark if possible!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Pickle Surprise
If we would've known better, which we do now, we would have torn down the soffit in the kitchen. It's a PIA! It's lumpy and unlevel and unruly when trying to align things to it properly. It is what it is though.
Ate a ton of eggrolls this evening thanks to my mother. Thank you Mother! They were delishee-oso. That's how Dora says it no?
Here was my pickle birthday cake. Liz convinced Asa that it really wouldn't be a good idea to put a real pickle inside it, like I had joked. I think Liz bout burned herself trying to light that many candles.

I love this scene from the old War of The Worlds. You know the creature is outside and you suddenly see its shadow getting closer and closer, and then whammmo you see the hand touch her shoulder. I would've loved to have been in the theater back then to see the response to this.

Also my favorite line from this movie,"You never know where you'll end up after a square dance!"
And finally, a pic showing the under cabinet lighting glowing up that blingy backsplash we chose.
Ate a ton of eggrolls this evening thanks to my mother. Thank you Mother! They were delishee-oso. That's how Dora says it no?
Here was my pickle birthday cake. Liz convinced Asa that it really wouldn't be a good idea to put a real pickle inside it, like I had joked. I think Liz bout burned herself trying to light that many candles.
I love this scene from the old War of The Worlds. You know the creature is outside and you suddenly see its shadow getting closer and closer, and then whammmo you see the hand touch her shoulder. I would've loved to have been in the theater back then to see the response to this.
Also my favorite line from this movie,"You never know where you'll end up after a square dance!"
And finally, a pic showing the under cabinet lighting glowing up that blingy backsplash we chose.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Ya Meyor
Not much interesting today. Worked on kitchen trim and did some cleaning. Liz got the under cabinet lighting installed. It looks really good.
Liz found a nice tub regularly for $1300 on clearance for , get this 189.00!!!! It's in Birmingham though. Even with truck rental though for transport, that could be a killer deal if they truly have it in stock.
I was supposed to run today, but it didn't happen. Yeesh, week total isn't even over 10. Ah well, Feb is a rest month, it's official.
Liz found a nice tub regularly for $1300 on clearance for , get this 189.00!!!! It's in Birmingham though. Even with truck rental though for transport, that could be a killer deal if they truly have it in stock.
I was supposed to run today, but it didn't happen. Yeesh, week total isn't even over 10. Ah well, Feb is a rest month, it's official.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Human Being
Wow, look at this ugly mess! Like you care! I got bored of course.
A sleepy day that was fairly intense mentally. Lots of ponderous things being contemplated in the universe. Who have I become? Where do I want to go? What am I afraid of? What will fulfill me? Ughhh I get sleepy just thinking about such things, but yet there they are looming....unavoidable.
It occurs to me that I have not mentioned the movie Drive. I certainly have been watching some movies lately. That only means one thing though...that I am not doing enough renovation. But that's ok. Yes the movie Drive....

I can't get this movie out of my head! It just sucked me in from the opening scenes. It's considered by many to be an 'artsy' film, and this in turn pisses a lot of people off who find it dull and pretentious. Hmmm kinda like Solaris, except this time, I'm on the "I love it side!" Maybe it's because I completely dig the soundtrack. Maybe it's because I don't find the really long silences between Goslinger and Mulligan to be annoying. Maybe it's because I'm willing to suspend some logic for the sake of style and superhero like mysticism. I could go on and on, but I'm actually considering buying this movie. I rarely buy movies. I could definitely watch this movie a few times though.
A sleepy day that was fairly intense mentally. Lots of ponderous things being contemplated in the universe. Who have I become? Where do I want to go? What am I afraid of? What will fulfill me? Ughhh I get sleepy just thinking about such things, but yet there they are looming....unavoidable.
It occurs to me that I have not mentioned the movie Drive. I certainly have been watching some movies lately. That only means one thing though...that I am not doing enough renovation. But that's ok. Yes the movie Drive....

I can't get this movie out of my head! It just sucked me in from the opening scenes. It's considered by many to be an 'artsy' film, and this in turn pisses a lot of people off who find it dull and pretentious. Hmmm kinda like Solaris, except this time, I'm on the "I love it side!" Maybe it's because I completely dig the soundtrack. Maybe it's because I don't find the really long silences between Goslinger and Mulligan to be annoying. Maybe it's because I'm willing to suspend some logic for the sake of style and superhero like mysticism. I could go on and on, but I'm actually considering buying this movie. I rarely buy movies. I could definitely watch this movie a few times though.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Hexagonal Kindles
What is up peoples of the Earth?! I broke down and bought a Kindle, the entry level one with a nice case. Its screen is sooo much smaller than the ipad, but it's sooo much lighter which makes a big diff to my puny wrists. Seriously, it makes a difference.
I watched the movie Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy on youtube. It had some good additions like the Dolphin song, Alan Rickman's voice for Marvin the depressed robot, and Zoey Deschanel in a shower scene. Ha! But seriously, they really altered a lot of the dialogue which made it less funny in some ways. It seems like those that have consumed all that is HHGTG say that every rendition is different and has good and bad points. So the radio program, BBC tv show, book , and movie all have something to offer. Overall though, if I'd never read the book, I think I would've thought simply, "meh".
Kontroll is another movie I found on youtube and it's much more interesting to me. The characters are just so quirky and warm. One guy is a narcoleptic who falls asleep when he gets highly agitated. I'm sure it's a horrible disease, but so often it's portrayed so comically. I don't refuse the invitation to laugh either. But there's also this whole dark Tyler Durden sort of thing going on which was creepy and awkward.
I have the 50s version of War of The Worlds recorded. I will watch that this week hopefully.
I watched the old Solaris which is a Russian directed film. It's intriguing, but it comes off as being so dull that it's either just that, dull and contrived, or for some people it's pure genius. I'm really not sure. Maybe I'm missing the genius in it. Now I want to re-watch the newer version with Clooney. However, reading about the novel, I think the coolest concept which maybe gets muddled in the movie, is that "Man" is unable to truly look for 'alien' life in the sense that man only really wants to see a mirror image of himself. Something like that anyway. Speaking of alien life, did you know Saturn has a hexagon shape on the north pole? There have been fluid dynamic studies over the years that can reproduce this, but as to how it got on Saturn and what keeps it going for decades is debatable. It just boggles my mind really.
I watched the movie Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy on youtube. It had some good additions like the Dolphin song, Alan Rickman's voice for Marvin the depressed robot, and Zoey Deschanel in a shower scene. Ha! But seriously, they really altered a lot of the dialogue which made it less funny in some ways. It seems like those that have consumed all that is HHGTG say that every rendition is different and has good and bad points. So the radio program, BBC tv show, book , and movie all have something to offer. Overall though, if I'd never read the book, I think I would've thought simply, "meh".
Kontroll is another movie I found on youtube and it's much more interesting to me. The characters are just so quirky and warm. One guy is a narcoleptic who falls asleep when he gets highly agitated. I'm sure it's a horrible disease, but so often it's portrayed so comically. I don't refuse the invitation to laugh either. But there's also this whole dark Tyler Durden sort of thing going on which was creepy and awkward.
I have the 50s version of War of The Worlds recorded. I will watch that this week hopefully.
I watched the old Solaris which is a Russian directed film. It's intriguing, but it comes off as being so dull that it's either just that, dull and contrived, or for some people it's pure genius. I'm really not sure. Maybe I'm missing the genius in it. Now I want to re-watch the newer version with Clooney. However, reading about the novel, I think the coolest concept which maybe gets muddled in the movie, is that "Man" is unable to truly look for 'alien' life in the sense that man only really wants to see a mirror image of himself. Something like that anyway. Speaking of alien life, did you know Saturn has a hexagon shape on the north pole? There have been fluid dynamic studies over the years that can reproduce this, but as to how it got on Saturn and what keeps it going for decades is debatable. It just boggles my mind really.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Poop Buffet
I walked past a woman around my age or younger walking her dog while walking mine. We waved at each other, the cursory 'sup fellow dog person' wave. As she passed I could hear her talking on the phone. She said, "I just don't know what to do! It's like I came back into town and he just keeps texting me, saying that I belong to him!" Yikes! Then she yelled at her dog..guess what his name was. Iverson! Now that's pretty unique.
I ran today. wow! It's been two weeks since my last run. Two weeks! I didn't even take that long off for my groin strain last year. Ughhh It's been two weeks since I got full on sick and I still have a spasmic cough here and there. Bloody colds! My run was slow and tiring too, but I kinda expected that.
Took my daughter to the base exchange today. Was having a pizza craving and thought, I'll just nab a slice at the food court and Asa can have a Popeyes biscuit. Last time we ate there, we had just sat down with all of our food, and Asa tells me that she has to poop. Ughh I tell her you've got to hold it child. So walking in today, I remind her that now is the time for the potty. She declares she's good!
I get a biscuit for her and a drink cup and as I'm paying for it, she says "Daddy I have to poop with this worried look." Sigh..off to the bathroom we go. She tells me on the way she just has to pee. Anyway, in the stall,...oh and btw..this post is going to get gross for some of you. In the stall, the autoflush is being rather aggressive which scares my girl. So I walk to the rear and block the sensor with my hand. I tell my daughter to make sure she sits ALL the way on the potty. I thought she was going to pee. So she poops this big glob of pea green kryptonite. I'm like just focus on wiping so I can flush this wretched smell. We wash hands and were done. All I want to do is eat some pizza, I'm starving!
Not 10 steps out of the bathroom and she says, "uh oh". She holds her hands up and somehow she has poop on both hands. Back to the bathroom we go. Once inside, I notice she has poop all over her sleeve around her wrist. I pick her up since the sink is kinda high, that way she can wash real good, but she's just moving poop around. I put her down, and I get some towels to wet them and soak off the poo sleeve when I notice that down her whole back of the forearm on the other sleeve is covered in poo. WTF! I stop to contemplate the situation and realize that the whole left front of my tshirt is covered in poo. AAAHHHH!! How the hell is it multiplying! I picture picking her up, and then I spy her whole bottom covered in poo. Ahhhhhhh! We're covered in stank green pea poo.
I'm kinda pissed at this point, but we have to leave. I strip her down to her undies in the car and I take my shirt off, so I just have on jeans. When I get home, of course the neighbors are outside and first they see me get out. I wave like yah it's all good. Then Asa runs out naked screaming I'm cooold! I'm cooold! I could see the look on the faces like "wth?!" I just made a face that said , ya know how it is.
My pizza quest continued later and was thwarted by Godfather's deciding today was renovation day. So I ended up at BC Pizza Buffet which was just ok. At that point I really didn't care.
Oh and I'm typing on my desktop pc. It hasn't run since June of last year. Is that not just bonkers?!
Finished Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. While I found much of it clever and some of it lough out loud funny, I was kinda like "that's it?" at the end of the book. Maybe my expectations were too high for a novel given so much praise. Maybe I'm too much of a fuddy duddy these days. It really doesn't matter though. It was a fun read, and now I'm that much richer in pop culture.
Oh and I forgot to mention. Again, a crime of not bringing my camera with me. Maybe I should get a better cellphone. But anyway, the license plate on this car at the BX!! It was creepy and funny. You've seen pictures of cherubs laying down all cute looking right? Well this plate had a pic of a cherub, but the wings and head were of a child and the legs and butt were built long and muscular like a man with massively round buttocks. It was atrocycal! Thats a horrible word combo isn't it. It was a cherub fail for sure.
I ran today. wow! It's been two weeks since my last run. Two weeks! I didn't even take that long off for my groin strain last year. Ughhh It's been two weeks since I got full on sick and I still have a spasmic cough here and there. Bloody colds! My run was slow and tiring too, but I kinda expected that.
Took my daughter to the base exchange today. Was having a pizza craving and thought, I'll just nab a slice at the food court and Asa can have a Popeyes biscuit. Last time we ate there, we had just sat down with all of our food, and Asa tells me that she has to poop. Ughh I tell her you've got to hold it child. So walking in today, I remind her that now is the time for the potty. She declares she's good!
I get a biscuit for her and a drink cup and as I'm paying for it, she says "Daddy I have to poop with this worried look." Sigh..off to the bathroom we go. She tells me on the way she just has to pee. Anyway, in the stall,...oh and btw..this post is going to get gross for some of you. In the stall, the autoflush is being rather aggressive which scares my girl. So I walk to the rear and block the sensor with my hand. I tell my daughter to make sure she sits ALL the way on the potty. I thought she was going to pee. So she poops this big glob of pea green kryptonite. I'm like just focus on wiping so I can flush this wretched smell. We wash hands and were done. All I want to do is eat some pizza, I'm starving!
Not 10 steps out of the bathroom and she says, "uh oh". She holds her hands up and somehow she has poop on both hands. Back to the bathroom we go. Once inside, I notice she has poop all over her sleeve around her wrist. I pick her up since the sink is kinda high, that way she can wash real good, but she's just moving poop around. I put her down, and I get some towels to wet them and soak off the poo sleeve when I notice that down her whole back of the forearm on the other sleeve is covered in poo. WTF! I stop to contemplate the situation and realize that the whole left front of my tshirt is covered in poo. AAAHHHH!! How the hell is it multiplying! I picture picking her up, and then I spy her whole bottom covered in poo. Ahhhhhhh! We're covered in stank green pea poo.
I'm kinda pissed at this point, but we have to leave. I strip her down to her undies in the car and I take my shirt off, so I just have on jeans. When I get home, of course the neighbors are outside and first they see me get out. I wave like yah it's all good. Then Asa runs out naked screaming I'm cooold! I'm cooold! I could see the look on the faces like "wth?!" I just made a face that said , ya know how it is.
My pizza quest continued later and was thwarted by Godfather's deciding today was renovation day. So I ended up at BC Pizza Buffet which was just ok. At that point I really didn't care.
Oh and I'm typing on my desktop pc. It hasn't run since June of last year. Is that not just bonkers?!
Finished Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. While I found much of it clever and some of it lough out loud funny, I was kinda like "that's it?" at the end of the book. Maybe my expectations were too high for a novel given so much praise. Maybe I'm too much of a fuddy duddy these days. It really doesn't matter though. It was a fun read, and now I'm that much richer in pop culture.
Oh and I forgot to mention. Again, a crime of not bringing my camera with me. Maybe I should get a better cellphone. But anyway, the license plate on this car at the BX!! It was creepy and funny. You've seen pictures of cherubs laying down all cute looking right? Well this plate had a pic of a cherub, but the wings and head were of a child and the legs and butt were built long and muscular like a man with massively round buttocks. It was atrocycal! Thats a horrible word combo isn't it. It was a cherub fail for sure.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Ughhhhh... this hack cough is pretty annoying. I'm finally feeling somewhat better leaving the mucous oceans for dryer ground. Just gotta shake this cough off. It laughs at cough syrup by the way. In fact it rather pisses it off.
Liz's friend is stationed in Germany living off base. It's quite cold where she's at right now. Her heat stopped working. Apparently, it was her fault for not filling her heating oil tanks. How much do you think it cost her to fill these? Keep in mind this was not even remotely done quickly either ( think like a week +) Hmmm maybe 200 dollars? or 500 dollars even? Nope, try twenty-six hundred dollars!!!!! They have to come and fill 3 thousand liter tanks. Her toothpaste was frozen the other morning. Be mindful of old houses I spose.
Finished reading Stars My Destination. I don't think it was the best sci fi ever, granted I haven't read even the top 10 so what do I know. I think my favorite character was an albino woman who saw everything in infrared. Think Cate Blanchet as an albino whose as cold and cruel as she is seductive and beautiful. It's a crazy ass story though, to think it was written in 56 is just crazy.
One night while I was in the peak of my illness I stayed up all night and morning and read HG Wells War of The Worlds. I really liked it! I guess it's no surprise, but just soo much better than either of the movies. More tension, more horror, and some really creepy moments really made it come to life in my head. If only my geography of London and the surrounding contryside were better.
I am currently reading the infamous Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. I remember a classmate in 7th grade reading this book. He told me in great detail about the book and couldn't help but giggle and laugh. I completely didn't get it. Well Kevin, I'm finally ready for it.
Liz's friend is stationed in Germany living off base. It's quite cold where she's at right now. Her heat stopped working. Apparently, it was her fault for not filling her heating oil tanks. How much do you think it cost her to fill these? Keep in mind this was not even remotely done quickly either ( think like a week +) Hmmm maybe 200 dollars? or 500 dollars even? Nope, try twenty-six hundred dollars!!!!! They have to come and fill 3 thousand liter tanks. Her toothpaste was frozen the other morning. Be mindful of old houses I spose.
Finished reading Stars My Destination. I don't think it was the best sci fi ever, granted I haven't read even the top 10 so what do I know. I think my favorite character was an albino woman who saw everything in infrared. Think Cate Blanchet as an albino whose as cold and cruel as she is seductive and beautiful. It's a crazy ass story though, to think it was written in 56 is just crazy.
One night while I was in the peak of my illness I stayed up all night and morning and read HG Wells War of The Worlds. I really liked it! I guess it's no surprise, but just soo much better than either of the movies. More tension, more horror, and some really creepy moments really made it come to life in my head. If only my geography of London and the surrounding contryside were better.
I am currently reading the infamous Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. I remember a classmate in 7th grade reading this book. He told me in great detail about the book and couldn't help but giggle and laugh. I completely didn't get it. Well Kevin, I'm finally ready for it.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
The storm of sickness has been on the horizon for a while. There's no question it's coming ashore now evidenced by the ever increasing lump in my throat. I'm hoping the damage is minimal.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Where did they go?
It was a spartan place. All concrete, a couple old chairs, and shabby white curtains that flapped in the wind. It was near sunset, and this home was on the beach with the ocean very close. I was just standing there, maybe naked, enjoying the warm salty air, when I noticed Finley about 30 yards away. Where was Dory I wondered. So I looked in the house. Nothing. When I came back outside the water level had increased dramatically. The sun had almost set as well.
This is when panic set in as I pictured my dogs' legs sinking in the beach sand and getting stuck. For some reason they couldn't get out. That's when I saw Dory come flying out of the surf. She's such the scrappy little dog. I ran into the ocean and dove into the darkness. I struggled for breath fighting in the surf. Finally, I found him and brought him out of the water. He was slumped like he was dead. I was just trying to keep from going crazy. I set him down in the house and then left. For some reason I could not bring myself to find out if he was really dead. After some time had passed, with much agony, Finley came around the corner looking very ill. It only mattered to me that he was alive though. The bad dream was over.
This is when panic set in as I pictured my dogs' legs sinking in the beach sand and getting stuck. For some reason they couldn't get out. That's when I saw Dory come flying out of the surf. She's such the scrappy little dog. I ran into the ocean and dove into the darkness. I struggled for breath fighting in the surf. Finally, I found him and brought him out of the water. He was slumped like he was dead. I was just trying to keep from going crazy. I set him down in the house and then left. For some reason I could not bring myself to find out if he was really dead. After some time had passed, with much agony, Finley came around the corner looking very ill. It only mattered to me that he was alive though. The bad dream was over.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Flying Barbara
I crossed the line this morning making my home fries and sausage. I upped the amount of habanero placed into the mix. By the end of my meal, I was really sweating and my stomach felt messed up. I had to drown that with some of Asa's Frosted Toast Crunch cereal. Maaan! That cereal is pretty good. The evil sugary death that it is....
I ate 4 bowls of chili tonight at the school PTO chilli cook off. The last bowl I ate had a bunch of green peppers in it. It was not was I had envisioned. Pffft I ate it anyway though.
When I was into watches, there was a website that was a deal a day type site. I'm not sure what it is with watches, but theres a lot of deal of the day sites. Some of them have these descriptions that are really crazy stories which suddenly pull the watch into the story somehow. The writing cracks me up as it is random and often makes trendy references like "oh that's the same watch Colonel Tighe had isn't it".
Here's one I came across today that amused me. It's for a Pyle Sports Skiing Watch.
Barbara woke up and found that she could fly.
The discovery came not even a full second after she woke up. Barb was in the middle of a nightmare involving villainous ice cream trucks taunting her with the voice of Samuel L. Jackson, saying things like, “You want some ice cream? Too bad,” and, “Today....ain't yo day.” The trucks then proceeded to chase her down in the park before Barb eventually had to jump off a cliff to get away from them.
This last move actually propelled her body out of her bed and to the floor. However, just before she reached the floor, she began to hover and never hit the ground. Barb splashed some water on her face and checked everything she could to verify that she wasn't still dreaming. She proceeded to practice her new skill and managed to get complete control over it within an hour. The only shortcoming, if you could even call it that, was the Barb could only seem to fly a maximum of a foot off the ground.
Excited, she set off for the book store, hovering a foot above the sidewalk the entire way. People stared and reacted differently to the sight. Many were afraid, thinking that Barb was some kind of monster or spirit or hallucination. She found that she could also lay down while flying so she was hovering while completely horizontal as well.
Upon entering the book store, every eye was on her. They weren't sure what was happening, but it seemed odd that this person was shopping for books and asking for recommendations. Some awkwardly shuffled out of the store while others kept throwing glances her way while they continued to shop.
“Excuse me,” Barb asked an employee, “do you have the novelization of Mean Girls?”
“Ummm-” he began before Barb cut her off.
“Ooh, that is the nicest looking watch? What is that?”
“Oh, this? This is the Pyle Ski Master V Professional Ski Watch.”
“It looks great!”
“I know!”
I ate 4 bowls of chili tonight at the school PTO chilli cook off. The last bowl I ate had a bunch of green peppers in it. It was not was I had envisioned. Pffft I ate it anyway though.
When I was into watches, there was a website that was a deal a day type site. I'm not sure what it is with watches, but theres a lot of deal of the day sites. Some of them have these descriptions that are really crazy stories which suddenly pull the watch into the story somehow. The writing cracks me up as it is random and often makes trendy references like "oh that's the same watch Colonel Tighe had isn't it".
Here's one I came across today that amused me. It's for a Pyle Sports Skiing Watch.
Barbara woke up and found that she could fly.
The discovery came not even a full second after she woke up. Barb was in the middle of a nightmare involving villainous ice cream trucks taunting her with the voice of Samuel L. Jackson, saying things like, “You want some ice cream? Too bad,” and, “Today....ain't yo day.” The trucks then proceeded to chase her down in the park before Barb eventually had to jump off a cliff to get away from them.
This last move actually propelled her body out of her bed and to the floor. However, just before she reached the floor, she began to hover and never hit the ground. Barb splashed some water on her face and checked everything she could to verify that she wasn't still dreaming. She proceeded to practice her new skill and managed to get complete control over it within an hour. The only shortcoming, if you could even call it that, was the Barb could only seem to fly a maximum of a foot off the ground.
Excited, she set off for the book store, hovering a foot above the sidewalk the entire way. People stared and reacted differently to the sight. Many were afraid, thinking that Barb was some kind of monster or spirit or hallucination. She found that she could also lay down while flying so she was hovering while completely horizontal as well.
Upon entering the book store, every eye was on her. They weren't sure what was happening, but it seemed odd that this person was shopping for books and asking for recommendations. Some awkwardly shuffled out of the store while others kept throwing glances her way while they continued to shop.
“Excuse me,” Barb asked an employee, “do you have the novelization of Mean Girls?”
“Ummm-” he began before Barb cut her off.
“Ooh, that is the nicest looking watch? What is that?”
“Oh, this? This is the Pyle Ski Master V Professional Ski Watch.”
“It looks great!”
“I know!”
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Chevy Luv
I cut up some habanero for my tunafish tonight. Was goooood!
OMG A commercial for the show My Strange Addiction just came on. One woman likes to stick scissors in her ears. Whhhhaaaatt! The guy in the show likes to make love to his car!!!! It's not even a nice car. He's laying on the ground kissing the bumper! WTH!!!
I ordered a new watch the other night from a company called Soleus. Supposedly they are runners who make watches. They make them while they are running. I couldn't resist the wild colors. Liz said it looks like a clown watch. I said I should get those Ronald McDonald running shoes to match. Those would be the original Brooks Green Silence shoes. Those bad boys were comfy. It was hard to pass on them when they went on clearance.
This afternoon I saw a guy running over the bridge in the rain. I wanted to roll down the window and yell something, but it was pouring. I had this crazy thought of scaring him and him falling off the side of the rail. Yah maybe not, so I just gave him the nod of respect. I wondered though if he was having fun.
So I have been trying to come up with some cool sounding androgenous names. Why? You need not worry about such things, but really..it's tough to do. Then I realized I had them all along as oddly enough they were names that Asa almost got. You know Asa is really a guys name right. The ending in 'a' though makes it seem feminine to me. What would the odds be that she would fall in love with a guy with the same name? Hmmmmmm
OMG A commercial for the show My Strange Addiction just came on. One woman likes to stick scissors in her ears. Whhhhaaaatt! The guy in the show likes to make love to his car!!!! It's not even a nice car. He's laying on the ground kissing the bumper! WTH!!!
I ordered a new watch the other night from a company called Soleus. Supposedly they are runners who make watches. They make them while they are running. I couldn't resist the wild colors. Liz said it looks like a clown watch. I said I should get those Ronald McDonald running shoes to match. Those would be the original Brooks Green Silence shoes. Those bad boys were comfy. It was hard to pass on them when they went on clearance.
This afternoon I saw a guy running over the bridge in the rain. I wanted to roll down the window and yell something, but it was pouring. I had this crazy thought of scaring him and him falling off the side of the rail. Yah maybe not, so I just gave him the nod of respect. I wondered though if he was having fun.
So I have been trying to come up with some cool sounding androgenous names. Why? You need not worry about such things, but really..it's tough to do. Then I realized I had them all along as oddly enough they were names that Asa almost got. You know Asa is really a guys name right. The ending in 'a' though makes it seem feminine to me. What would the odds be that she would fall in love with a guy with the same name? Hmmmmmm
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