Friday, February 24, 2012

Human Being

Wow, look at this ugly mess! Like you care! I got bored of course.

A sleepy day that was fairly intense mentally. Lots of ponderous things being contemplated in the universe. Who have I become? Where do I want to go? What am I afraid of? What will fulfill me? Ughhh I get sleepy just thinking about such things, but yet there they are looming....unavoidable.

It occurs to me that I have not mentioned the movie Drive. I certainly have been watching some movies lately. That only means one thing though...that I am not doing enough renovation. But that's ok. Yes the movie Drive....

I can't get this movie out of my head! It just sucked me in from the opening scenes. It's considered by many to be an 'artsy' film, and this in turn pisses a lot of people off who find it dull and pretentious. Hmmm kinda like Solaris, except this time, I'm on the "I love it side!" Maybe it's because I completely dig the soundtrack. Maybe it's because I don't find the really long silences between Goslinger and Mulligan to be annoying. Maybe it's because I'm willing to suspend some logic for the sake of style and superhero like mysticism. I could go on and on, but I'm actually considering buying this movie. I rarely buy movies. I could definitely watch this movie a few times though.

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