What is up peoples of the Earth?! I broke down and bought a Kindle, the entry level one with a nice case. Its screen is sooo much smaller than the ipad, but it's sooo much lighter which makes a big diff to my puny wrists. Seriously, it makes a difference.
I watched the movie Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy on youtube. It had some good additions like the Dolphin song, Alan Rickman's voice for Marvin the depressed robot, and Zoey Deschanel in a shower scene. Ha! But seriously, they really altered a lot of the dialogue which made it less funny in some ways. It seems like those that have consumed all that is HHGTG say that every rendition is different and has good and bad points. So the radio program, BBC tv show, book , and movie all have something to offer. Overall though, if I'd never read the book, I think I would've thought simply, "meh".
Kontroll is another movie I found on youtube and it's much more interesting to me. The characters are just so quirky and warm. One guy is a narcoleptic who falls asleep when he gets highly agitated. I'm sure it's a horrible disease, but so often it's portrayed so comically. I don't refuse the invitation to laugh either. But there's also this whole dark Tyler Durden sort of thing going on which was creepy and awkward.
I have the 50s version of War of The Worlds recorded. I will watch that this week hopefully.
I watched the old Solaris which is a Russian directed film. It's intriguing, but it comes off as being so dull that it's either just that, dull and contrived, or for some people it's pure genius. I'm really not sure. Maybe I'm missing the genius in it. Now I want to re-watch the newer version with Clooney. However, reading about the novel, I think the coolest concept which maybe gets muddled in the movie, is that "Man" is unable to truly look for 'alien' life in the sense that man only really wants to see a mirror image of himself. Something like that anyway. Speaking of alien life, did you know Saturn has a hexagon shape on the north pole? There have been fluid dynamic studies over the years that can reproduce this, but as to how it got on Saturn and what keeps it going for decades is debatable. It just boggles my mind really.
I've played with that little kindle it's pretty cool.